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Basketball Victoria Codes of Conduct

BV ALL Codes Of Conduct

Basketball is intended to be a recreational activity for enjoyment and health. These code of conduct has been developed by Basketball Victoria to give participants some guide to the expectations it has on those participants. It is intended to assist everyone to obtain the maximum benefit and enjoyment from their involvement in basketball. As a result, the quality of participation will be improved so people are more likely to start and continue their involvement in basketball. Enjoy!!

Please click on the links below to take you to the  Codes of Conduct by Basketball Victoria. Scroll down the page to see the one you want. 





Administrators Code of Conduct

Coaches Code of Conduct






Officials Code of Conduct

Parents Code of Conduct



Players Code of Conduct

 Spectators Code of Conduct

Warm Up Intro

By Jon from The Strength and Rehab HQ


By Zoya from The Strength and Rehab HQ

Warm Up - Dynamic Mobility Drills

By Jon and Kieron from The Strength and Rehab HQ

Pacers Players Working Out

At The Strength and Rehab HQ

Strengthening Exercises with Pacers Players

At The Strength and Rehab HQ